Functions :
DW931 series frame circuit breakers are characterized by small volume, high short-time withstand current, high breaking capacity, zero flashover, etc. The full series circuit breakers have 4 shell bracket grades and 14 current specifications, ranging from 1250A to 5500A. The product is suitable for the protection, on and off of the power grid in the power system of 690V and below. The breaking ability is up to 120kA. The product has a high short-term tolerance, and can achieve good superior and inferior selective protection. The product can measure current, voltage, power and other parameters of electric quantity, with remote control, telemetry, remote signaling, remote adjustment four remote functions to meet the needs of intelligent ships.
Features :
Small volume, high breaking ability, zero flying arc
Complete accessories, modular installation
Intelligent, the whole series can communicate
Multi-stage all-selective protection can be realized with high short-time withstand current
Excellent anti - shock performance