400-101-5915 CN
400-101-5915 CN
Current location:Home-Product-Film capacitance series
Customized products

Customized products

Please provide the following information

Application: such as UPS, frequency converter, rectifier, etc

Capacity and allowable deviation

Voltage: including rated voltage, working voltage, ripple voltage, non - periodic impulse voltage, etc

Current: including the maximum current, working current, maximum peak current, maximum impulse current, etc

Frequency: including working frequency, pulse frequency, frequency of ripple voltage, etc

Workplace: such as fixed place, vehicle, ship, etc

Working environment: such as temperature, humidity, altitude, heat dissipation

Product size: diameter, height, length, width, etc

Terminal type: such as bolt type, screw hole type, etc

Others: If you have any special requirements, please inform us in advance